The Snow People Christmas Card Collection
"Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled." Author Unknown
I painted this first snowman card, by personalizing the snow people to whimsically match the members of the family it is intended for. I liked the idea so much that I decided to paint more, making them personal for the intended recipients. There are now seven in this series. They are palette knife acrylic on 4.5"x 6" linen paper.

This card was painted especially for a fellow artist.
My mom is of Dutch heritage, so I wanted to paint a winter scene from her homeland for her -
Windmill and Skater, both are common sights in Holland. As she ages she seems to get more nostalgic for old remembrances and times past. Although she was very young when her family left Holland, she talks about it and other places she lived before coming to America.
The Red House was Painted for Jennifer Smith's
Rookie Painter November challenge (
and my Christmas card collection), from a photo she provided of this house. I felt the house needed a setting and since I am painting simple winter scenes for Christmas cards for close friends and family, I placed the house in a winter landscape.
All paintings are 4.5" X 6" acrylic on linen paper