These lovely fragrant flowers were a gift from my daughter. She knows I like fresh cut flowers in my studio. I placed them on the windowsill where the golden primroses once grew (they are now in the kitchen window blooming profusely and brightening up that space).
I had to take photos of each individual flower because as a bouquet they are gorgeous, but individually they are exquisite in their tiny details.
The lovely stargazer lilies with their satiny greenish white petals take center stage.
The delicate Gerbera daisies are amazing in their petal detail which radiates out from an intricate center of smaller petals, with just a touch of gold. Seen from the side, these daisy petals seem to be dancing around their stem. Deep inside the center it is filled with what appear to be tiny rubies. Is there anything as exquisite and wondrous as these delicate pink and lipstick red flowers? Although they do come in many other luscious colors.
After such showoffs, the tiny 'pixie' (my name for them) mums, probably used as filler in the bouquet, could be so easily overlooked. Their dome shaped centers look to me, like wee beehives full of golden honey. And I absolutely love their sweet little petals standing all perky and proud, like little white bowls.
I have a special love for white flowers, which reminds me not to forget the precious little sprigs of baby's breath which although tiny, play a big role in many bouquets, making the showy guys look good.