Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Purr-fectly Content

Painted as a second entry for DPW's rectangle challenge.
Less stylized and more loose than The Little Village.

6"x6" acrylic on linen paper


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Little Village

Painted for DPW's rectangular challenge.

A little village, somewhat abstracted and whimsical, painted in bright primary colors.

6"x6" acrylic on linen paper


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Celilo Falls

Celilo Falls were ancient fishing grounds for several native American tribes
before the Army Corps put in dams on the Columbia River.
This painting was done from a few old pictures.

6"x9" acrylic on linen paper
palette knife work


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Summers End

Painted from a photo I took in Colorado, in early autumn.
The aspens were just turning their lovely gold color.
The mountains, without snow, reveal their many hues of browns, blues, and greens.

8"x10" acrylic on canvas panel


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Seven Posts

The 7 Links Project

A very talented online artist friend of mine, Yasha Sharma has tagged me in the 7 Links Project which has been started - to unite bloggers from different places in the world,  to share favorite paintings and lessons learned from painting and blogging experiences.

The seven categories:
Your most beautiful post
Your most popular post
Your most controversial post
Your most helpful post
A post whose success surprised you
A post you feel did'nt get the attention it deserved
The post you are most proud of

The blog artist is asked to link a top post in each category and then tag 7 other bloggers so that the experience continues.

Most beautiful because I love the cad. red, purples and greens.

Most attention - over 400+ hits (shrug)

Most helpful because in this painting I learned about painting transparent glass 

Most controversial because of the extremes in values with few mid values

Didn't get the attention it deserved. This is a palette knife painting which I particularly like.

Success surprised me (lots of hits and still growing)  because I feel it still needs finishing work

Most proud of - 1 - because it was one of my very first figurative

Most proud of - 2 - because it was one of my very first paintings

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hurricane Ridge Olympic NP

From snow capped peaks to wildflowers, and some of the most scenic hiking trails,
the Olympic National Park is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
This summer was the fourth time I have visited and always find it an amazing place.
I had planned on plein air painting, but ended up taking more photos - just too much beauty.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fishin' With Grandpa

A little whimsical painting done for DPW's "Superstition" challenge.
Grandpa is wearing his lucky hat to ensure a good catch.
I actually took a photo of these two fishing in a lake in
Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado.
Such a great scene, grandpa and grandson fishing in blue lawn chairs,
surrounded by a forest of wildflowers, with a pale blue lake as a backdrop.

6"x6" acrylic on linen paper


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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Into the Woods

There is a National Scenic corridor along the west end of the Columbia River Gorge (Oregon), where there are many trails for hiking into the forested areas and mountains. This trail is one near Wyeth creek which I particularly like. It is accessed from the campground of the same name, where I stayed for a time so I could paint some of the surrounding landscape.

6"x9" acrylic on linen paper


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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road Trip Photos

Little Crater lake, Or. A tiny natural artesian lake - an incredible blue color.

The Columbia River Gorge looking towards the Pacific from Crown Point.

Near The Dalles, Or. on the Columbia River. An historic area where early settlers lived. It is now a museum of log houses, teepee poles, and covered wagons

River Gorge on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Or.

Mt. St. Helens, an active volcano last blew in 1980 (snow covered) near the Columbia River in Wa. This pic was taken from a pretty little town in Or. on the Columbia called Hood River.

Turning in the opposite direction (south) you see Mt. Hood, also a volcano, currently dorment. Both mts. are in the Cascade range.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Three Birches

In the Olympic National Park, Wa., the Hoh River runs through the beautiful rain forest that makes up most of the Olympic Pennisula. This is a scene I painted looking out over the Hoh river from my campsite in the Hoh NP, on the west side (near the town of Forks from Twilight fame). The opposite side of the river has a broad rocky shoreline. The closer side is lined with birch trees like pickets, with occasional openings between stands.

6"x6" acrylic on linen paper
(entirely plein air painted)


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Serenity

This serene, sun dappled scene is of a tree shaded creek near Sisters, Oregon - painted en plein air and touched up in the studio.

6"x6" acrylic on linen paper


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