Not sure how I feel about the way this painting turned out. I was experimenting with layers of acrylic paint applied with palette knife, to build up the colors which allows to them to seemingly float over each other rather than blending. It was done for Calypso Moon Artist Sept. challenge where the painter must submit a self-portrait (painted from a mirror not a photo) done in vibrant primary colors. I am older than what I painted myself to look like - didn't do it on purpose - maybe it's a subconscious image I have of myself. I am always surprised to see an older person staring back out at me from a mirror. Sometimes I even wonder what my mother is doing in there... in any event this is how I feel - young and immersed in the colors of Life.
I am not a portrait artist but would like to learn, in the mean time I will continue to experiment with different techniques, including this one.
8"x10" acrylic on canvas
Hi, I kind of like your portrait. After reading your description how you arrived at the finished result, it sounded like an interesting process. I might try this with my sisters on one of our painting adventures. I like how you aren't afraid to step outside the box. good work.
ReplyDeleteThis portrait seems very abstract and loose, not something common in portraits, but maybe should be? I love the texture, pops of color, and the almost haunting expression on "your" face. Almost like you're saying, "Whatcha looking at?" You had a great thought about how you painted yourself as your mind's eye sees you not what you really look like. I painted myself younger too, unintentionally. I did most of my portrait from memory, not a mirror, and when I finally did use a mirror I was SHOCKED at all of the wrinkles I really have! But did I put them in? NO WAY!!
ReplyDeleteReally well done!
Hi Jean. Your colors are spectacular, and they do indeed seem to float on top of each other. Its very interesting, because although the paint is thick and opaque, the image appears transparent. This is a beautiful treatment of paint, and a brave treatment for a self-portrait. Thanks also for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteJean, your piece is expressive, energetic, colorful, and intimate. I really loved seeing this piece as a submission. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis painting, like you, is beautiful and amazing!
ReplyDeleteFYI: I still always see you as I did when I was a little girl. You always have been and always will be like that painting... Youthful, beautiful and vibrant.