The title was chosen from the words in a popular Christmas song,
which as I was listening to it on the car radio.
I knew I wanted them for my title.
This painting will be printed into Christmas cards for family and friends.
And anyone who would like to purchase them.
I filled the scene with symbols from the Scriptures,
regarding the coming of Christ.
For those who are unfamiliar with them:
the lamp and extra oil is from the Gospel
about the wise and foolish virgins, who waited for the Bridegroom.
The water jar is from the Gospel account of Jesus changing water
into wine, which symbolizes the new covenant.
The bread in the basket shows that Jesus is our heavenly food.
The fruit is pomegranates, an old testament symbol,
symbolizing here, that Jesus comes from the line of David, the King.
The sandals removed from their feet
reminds us that God told Abraham, because of His presence,
he stood on holy ground.
Where ever Jesus resides, He makes holy.
Of course the star announces His coming,
in time at Christmas; in the hearts of those who receive Him; and again on the last day.
The stable where this King was born - not to lofty heights but humble.
The donkey which He rode on to Bethlehem within His Mother Mary,
and which He will one day again ride upon in His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem,
going this time not to His earthly birth, but His death and glorious resurrection-
New Life for all eternity,
not only for Himself but all who follow Him.
Cards (with envelopes) are 12 for $25. + plus $5. shipping in US
Before Dec. 15.