Monday, June 13, 2011

Balanced Stones

When camping at the Grand Canyon, I found this little 'sculture' there. I had once learned that the native peoples of Alaska would build these stone structures, sometimes very large, which they called "Inuksuk". Their purpose was to direct travelers, or warn them of danger, or to mark a cache of supplies for a lost or stranded person. Some had religious meanings. In directing a VBS once, the theme had been set in Alaska, and we had the children make stone Inuksuk to represent how God, His Word, and the Church directed our lives, warning us of danger, showing the way, pointing something out; teaching that we are 'living stones' etc. This all came back to me when I saw the DPW challenge for this week, which is 'balancing', and we are asked to paint things stacked one upon the other.

Probably not likely, but I did wonder if some native person or one of our VBS kids had made the one I found in my campsite. I think I will paint an Inuksuk for the challenge.
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